Wind down after your shift

Wind down after your shift Decorative Swirl

We know how hard all of our registered general nurses, mental health nurses, care assistants, support workers, 1-2-1 carers, senior carers and other healthcare professionals work and we want to ensure you are prioritising looking after yourselves, as well as everybody else.
After a long shift, it’s important to prioritise relaxation and self-care to wind down and recharge. Here are some suggestions to help you unwind:

  • Disconnect from work: Switch off your work-related devices and notifications to create a clear separation between your professional and personal life. Avoid checking work emails or messages until your next shift.


  • Physical relaxation: Engage in activities that promote physical relaxation, such as taking a warm bath or shower, practicing gentle stretches or yoga, or even indulging in a short nap. These activities can help relieve muscle tension and promote a sense of calm.


  • Engage in a hobby or leisure activity: Pursue activities that you enjoy and help you shift your focus away from work. It could be reading a book, watching a movie or TV show, playing a musical instrument, painting, gardening, or any other hobby that brings you joy and relaxation.


  • Practice mindfulness or meditation: Take a few moments to practice mindfulness or meditation to help quiet your mind and bring a sense of calm. You can try deep breathing exercises, guided meditation apps, or simply sit in a quiet space and focus on your breath.


  • Connect with loved ones: Spend quality time with family members, friends, or pets. Engage in meaningful conversations, share laughter, or engage in activities together. Connecting with loved ones can provide emotional support and help you unwind.


  • Engage in light exercise: Physical activity can help release endorphins and reduce stress. Consider going for a walk, doing some light stretching, or engaging in a gentle workout. Avoid intense or strenuous exercise right before bed, as it may make it harder to fall asleep.


  • Practice good sleep hygiene: Establish a bedtime routine that promotes better sleep. Avoid electronic devices before bed, create a comfortable sleep environment, and consider incorporating relaxation techniques such as reading a book or listening to calming music before sleep.


  • Engage in self-care: Take care of yourself by engaging in activities that nurture your well-being. This could include taking a bubble bath, treating yourself to a favourite snack, practicing journaling or writing, or engaging in a creative outlet.

Remember, everyone is different, so find what works best for you and tailor your wind-down routine accordingly. Experiment with different activities and discover what helps you relax and recharge after a shift. If you are looking for healthcare roles, contact us today Contact – Servoca Health